If you don't read the comments on the blog entries you're missing an interesting discussion on community and practice that's happening on The Wood Shed post below.
We've been intending to say something about Cachagua Fire for a couple of days now. They're the local volunteer fire service, so if you're taken sick at Tassajara, or need any kind of emergency help while out in the wilderness, it's Cachagua Fire who come to the rescue.
A couple of nights ago, the Sheriff had their roadblock in the wrong place. Preventing residents returning home from a community meeting where they'd been promised at least 24hrs notice of a mandatory evacuation. Cachagua Fire were there arguing with the Sheriff on behalf of their community.
Strangely, as a volunteer service they somehow find themselves outside the provisioning system when tied in with a large fire command structure such as manages the Basin Complex. So the local community has to pitch in and feed the fire crews. If you're in the area, they're selling t-shirts at The Chatterbox in Carmel Valley Village.
On the woodshed comment thread- Yes! Now the blog is really living up to its name. It's been interesting to observe from a great distance, physically and spiritually.
Yes but how is Jamesburg doing.
I see that there is a mandatory evacuation order for all of Tassajara road (via the site they linked to). I hope all is well. Good luck.
Fascinating and wonderful ... and it erupted on the "wood shed" post no less.
But indeed, how ARE Jamesburg and places beyond?
If I didn't have my three young nieces with me for the summer, I would be down to Carmel Valley in a heartbeat to help out. I'm hoping that those living in the mandatory evacuation zone who own livestock had the opportunity to remove their animals to a safer location. Last minute removal is NOT a fun thing and I speak from personal experience :-(
Thank for the great updates. I used to live in Cachagua 20 yrs ago. I grew up there. I will be following your blog for more updates
I guess if one chose not to enslave sentient beings for the purpose of exploitation & slaughter, then trying to move them at the last minute wouldn't be such a big deal...
Great information available at Kelly O'Brien's Life in the Fire Lane blog at: http://thefirelane.blogspot.com/.
She's regularly in touch with Cachagua fire.
I am worried about several old friends that live out on Jamesburg, Nason and Cachagua roads (and in the hills). Has anyone heard from Mona (Freitas) Nason, Red Truck Robert and family? I know she has worked up here at our local UPS store in Pacific Grove for several years, but my health has kept me homebound for months & I haven't been able to visit.
If you have any info, please email me here: pendoodles@gmail.com
Thanks, Pennie
PS I forgot to add in the Lambert's.
OMG I didn't know the Freitas clan was still in Cachagua
thanks Kelly for the great updates
The fire update page at Zen Center's main site hasn't been updated in a couple days. Is there any news of the fire spread that you guys have heard? Is everyone OK down at Tassajara still, I hope?
Dear Nate
get a life. I am sorry the world dosnt always jive with your political POV but Humans have domesticated animals for a variety of purposes for 10,000 years. Most folks who have animals do care a great deal for them. It seems to me that your understanding of sentient beings, including your own species, is minimal. I suggest you keep your politics to some vegan kumbaya warm fuzzy feel good site and desist from annoying folks in crisis. I have livestock to care for- good day!
from Geomac it looks like the fire is now about a mile from Jamesburg? An update from ZC would be much appreciated if possible.
Hoping all are well and safe throughout the area and sending best wishes to all...
deep bows
Mona might have been born a Freitas, but I wouldn't actually group her with her dad and his friends or the Nason's (John passed quite awhile ago). Her mom Rayma and I were pretty close friends way back when (yes that makes me pretty darned old lol). BTW... Mona is a really good person. :)
New info from SFZC:
Update on Tassajara, including what's happening at Jamesburg
Now that the fire has passed from David Zimmerman at Tassjara.
Letter calling for support for Tassajara from President Robert Thomas.
yes I know all of them too. My father was very tight w/ John and I grew up w/ Whiskey Joe......my oldest brother was there when the eldest Freitas boy was shot. My grandmother and mother were very good friends w/ Rayma too.
I just hope all are ok and won't be effected by the fires
Having gone through Hurricane Katrina, I know all about what a natural distaster can do to you, $$ wise, health wise and mental wise. The fire is very much like a hurricane. You see it coming, but not sure if it's coming for you or not. I know the waiting is the worse.
Hang in there everyone!!
The writer is totally fair, and there's no doubt.
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